ART 2 *Sketchbooks *

Welcome to Art Two!
You made it through Art I, and you're back for more, so that's a good sign! Here is some of what you can expect in this course:

Weekly Sketchbook Assignments:
         Collected on Fridays. Spend about 20-40 mins on each assignment.
1. A gradual transformation of a pair of scissors into another object- example: scissors into a shark- DON"T USE THIS EXAMPLE- it was my idea. Details are needed in the drawing- color is optional.
2. If you got a holiday card from one of these artists what would it look like?
  • Pablo Picasso
  • Keith Haring
  • Salvador Dali
  • Georgia O’Keefe
  • Vincent Van Gogh
  • Frida Kahlo
3. Arrange three related objects (3 kitchen items, 3 shoes, sports equipment, etc.) into a composition. Draw on one page using a light source and shading
4. Create an image using only found images (from magazines, newspapers, worksheets, etc.) The image should communicate a message or tell a story
5. Practice drawing anything from observation- the most common things are good practice
6. Look at yourself in a spoon- draw the distorted image
7. What happens when a 6-foot tall squirrel shows up in your yard?
8. Identify an object that relates to your identity. Create an artwork that uses the image of that object (or the actual object) as the SINGLE FOCUS of the artwork. Open media.
9. Fill in the blank… "I am a _________ in this world." Use the text of the completed sentence to inform the artwork. Open Media. This should be a 2 page spread
10. Answer these questions with an image:
At age six I was ________
At age twelve I was _______
Now I am ________
At age 25 I will be ______
At age 75 I will be ______
Arrange these images in a composition that communicates your identity. Open media. Should span at least 4 pages in some order that communicates the answers to the questions.
11. Illustrate a dream you have had using only 5 symbols (single images that communicate ideas) This may take one or two pages. You may use color or black and white to complete the image.  Consider what you know about composition, emphasis, etc. as you build the images.
12. Make a detailed drawing of your hand holding something related to the fall season OR related to school. Make the drawing large enough that it touches all the edges of the page. You may add color or use shading
13. Your choice- create a one or two page drawing that demonstrates several of your strongest art skills. This is your chance to create your own assignment as many of you have requested,
14. What does the holiday season really mean to you? Your image can be abstract or realistic; you may choose the media. AVOID common images- meaning if you choose to show holiday gifts- SHOW THEM IN A CREATIVE WAY! I
15. Create a design using elements from magazine or newspaper images. Cut and paste the images onto the page in your sketchbook to create the design.

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