Friday, September 1, 2017

Happy New School Year! I'm excited to work with all my new classes. 

There's a cool new movie coming out...maybe there's a field trip in our future? Watch:

Friday, March 24, 2017  
The Cloisters at the Met Museum, NYC

If you attend the museum in person, you will see and sketch several of the pieces of art there. If you stay behind and are in class on this day, watch this video about the sculptural work on display there.

These pieces were designed for a Christian audience who were devoted to prayer and knew the bible stories. We are going to update and broaden the target audience. We will create a miniature sculpture to depict a story known in our current culture. It could be a popular book or movie or even a fable or fairy tale. While we cannot duplicate the intricacy of the boxwood carvings (yet!), we can use available materials to create miniatures with high detail. 

Procedure: (Do this on Friday in class)
1. Decide which story you would like to illustrate/sculpt.
2. Make a quick, simple sketch of the scene from this story.
3. Decide what the background, middleground and foreground of this scene will be.
4. Draw and color in the background and glue it into the Altoids box. It should fit perfectly - no box showing.
5. Draw and color the middlegound and carefully cut it out with scissors or knife. Glue it into place in the box, using spacers to separate it from the background enough to create depth.
6. Repeat for the foreground of the scene.
7. Decorate the outside edges of the box to complement the scene inside.


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